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Splitting a Spanned Remote Desktop (RDP) Session

April 13, 2015
In Windows 7, if you want to do a true multi-monitor remote desktop session, both the local and remote machine need to be running Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate. If you're using a different version, you can still span the remote desktop session across all of your monitors, but it will be treated as one large display. Using DisplayFusion, you can split that spanned session into smaller virtual monitors.
The steps below assume that you have two monitors of equal screen resolution on your local machine (the machine you're connecting from). If you have more than two monitors of equal screen resolution, just make sure to setup the splits in step 5 appropriately (i.e. 3x1 for 3 monitors).
  1. Install DisplayFusion on the remote machine.
  2. Open Start > Run (or press Win + R) and enter
    mstsc.exe /span
    . Note: The monitors connected to your local machine must all be the same resolution for this command to work.
    Run mstsc
  3. Enter the remote computer name and click "Connect."
  4. Open the DisplayFusion "Monitor Configuration" window, and click the "Splits and Padding" button.
  5. On the remote machine (in your RDP session), click the "Preset Splits" button and choose "2x1."
  6. Preset Splits
  7. Click OK to close the Splits and Padding window, and OK again to close the Monitor Configuration window.
You should now have two virtual monitors inside your spanned remote desktop session.
Split Screen

Randomly Load a Wallpaper Profile

March 13, 2015
When you've created multiple wallpaper profiles, you can associate them with monitor profiles, but you can also apply them randomly. Follow the directions here to have your wallpaper profiles randomly selected.
You will need two or more Wallpaper Profiles for this function to work.
  • Right-click the DisplayFusion tray icon and click "Desktop Wallpaper." You can also access this via the Options tab in Settings.
    Desktop Wallpaper Menu
  • Click the Wallpaper Profile dropdown.
    Wallpaper Profiles
  • If you have two or more Wallpaper Profiles, continue to the directions below. Otherwise, create additional profiles before continuing.
  • Right-click the DisplayFusion icon and click "Settings."
    Tray Menu - Settings
  • Select the Functions tab and click the "Scripted Function" dropdown. Then click "Download Scripted Function."
    Download Scripted Function
  • Double-click the "Randomly Load a Wallpaper Profile" function.
    Downloading the Function
  • The Scripted Function window will open. Click "OK" to complete the download and add it to your Function list.
    Scripted Function Window
  • From the Settings window, click "OK."
  • Download the Scheduled Task XML
  • On your computer, open the Windows Task Scheduler.
    Open Task Scheduler
  • Click "Task Scheduler Library" in the left pane, then "Import Task..." in the right pane.
    Import Task
  • Select the Scheduled Task XML file you downloaded previously, and click "Open."
  • The Create Task dialog window will open. Here you can customize various Triggers, Actions, etc. for the new task.
    Configure Task
  • Once complete, click "OK" to save the Scheduled Task.
To schedule a time or event to apply a specific Wallpaper Profile, see this guide: Scheduling Wallpaper Changes

Preventing Game Windows From Minimizing

February 13, 2015
DisplayFusion contains a built-in Function called "Prevent Window Deactivation," which keeps windows maximized when switching to other windows or screens. This Function can be run for a game window either manually via a key combination or automatically via a Trigger rule. The steps below will show you how to do both.
Note: Though applicable for most games, behaviour may vary. This guide will not work for online games that use anti-cheat software like Easy Anti-Cheat or Battleye.
  • Right-click the DisplayFusion icon and click "Settings."
    Tray Menu - Settings
  • Click the "Functions" tab and select the "Prevent Window Deactivation (keeps game windows focused)" Function. Double-click the Function or select it and click the "Edit" button.
    Prevent Function Edit
  • Configure a key combination for the Function and click "OK."
    Key Combination
  • From the "Functions" tab, click "OK" to apply and save your changes.
Pressing the configured key combination will run the Function with a "whoosh" sound notification. (Use Alt+Tab to exit the game the game.) If the Function fails to run, see the next section (Prevent Window Deactivation via Triggers).
Global hotkeys may be disabled while running select full-screen games. This will negate use of the key combination, but you can still run the Function with a Trigger rule. The steps below are for an example Trigger rule which will run the Prevent Window Deactivation function after a 60 second delay.
  • Right-click the DisplayFusion icon and click "Settings."
    Tray Menu - Settings
  • Ensure the "Enable Triggers" checkbox is enabled.
    Enable Triggers
  • Click "Add."
    Add Trigger
  • Enable the "Process Filename" checkbox. From the pop-up selection window, double-click your application or select it and click "OK." For games or folders not listed, use the "Browse" button.
  • In our example, we're using a wildcard (*) for all games in the "common" folder of the Steam application, (i.e.
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\*
    Process Filename
  • Beneath the Actions pane, click the "Add" dropdown and select "Wait."
  • Action
  • Type the number of milliseconds for the Wait Action (e.g. 6000) and click "OK."
    Wait Time
  • Click "Add" again and select "Run Function."
  • Add
    Run Function
  • Select "Prevent Window Deactivation (keeps game windows focused)" and click "OK."
    Action Select
  • Click "OK."
  • From the "Triggers" tab, click "OK" to apply and save your changes.
  • For more widespread application of this Function, use wildcards When specifying the "Process Filename" in the Trigger rule. For example: If your games are all stored in D:\Games, enter
    in the Process Filename text box to run the Trigger on all games in that directory.
  • Some games lock the mouse cursor to the window. Configure and run the "Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Window" or "Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Monitor" Functions as a solution.
  • This Function won't immediately work for select games. Switch the game to windowed mode (Alt+Enter) and back to full screen (Alt+Enter again), or Alt+Tab twice to back out and return to the game window.

My Videos Wallpaper Source FAQ

January 13, 2015
The DisplayFusion My Videos wallpaper source will let you use your video files or animated images as your desktop wallpaper.
To use the My Videos wallpaper source, you will need to have Windows 8 or later installed on your computer, a working version of DirectX 9, and the correct video codecs to view your media files.
Windows Animation settings might be interfering with video playback. Make sure animations are enabled in Windows by doing the following:
  • Click on the Start button.
  • Search for "Control Panel" and click on it.
  • Click on "Ease of Access Center" (You may need to click "Ease of Access" first when in Category view).
  • Under "Explore all settings," click "Make the computer easier to see."
  • Disable the "Turn off all unnecessary animations (when possible)" option.
  • Click "Apply," then "OK."
Codecs are programs that are installed on your computer that help encode and decode video files. Windows comes with basic ones that let you view common file formats, such as DivX encoded files (usually .avi), or Windows Media Video files (.wmv).
To view other file formats, you may need to install a codec pack to help DisplayFusion make sense of your media. There are many packs to chose from, but if you are new to the concept of codecs, we recommend this light weight package.
Check that you've installed the correct codec versions for your system (i.e. 64-bit version of codecs for 64-bit Windows).
To learn more about codecs, please view this site.
All versions of Windows 7 and later have a working copy of DirectX that will be compatible with the My Videos wallpaper source, but sometimes different software installations can change files or even corrupt them.
To check your DirectX installation, run the dxdialog to see the status of your installation. To run the dialog, open the Run window by pressing Win + R and type '
' in the text field.
  • Click "OK." This will run the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
    Run dxdialog
  • Click on each tab or use the "Next Page" button to view each page's details and notes which may reveal problems.
    Diagnostic Tool
If you have any DirectX problems, we recommend downloading this distributable pack to fix your installation.
Videos in My Videos Wallpaper Source are muted by default. To unmute them, do the following:
  • Right-click the DisplayFusion tray icon and click "Desktop Wallpaper." You can also access this via the Options tab in Settings.
    Desktop Wallpaper Menu
  • Click on "Wallpaper Settings."
    Wallpaper Settings
  • Click "Mute all audio for the video wallpaper source (Windows 7 and higher)"

Configuring Monitor Splits for Bezel Correction

January 5, 2015
When setting up an NVIDIA Surround or AMD Eyefinity display group, it's possible to also configure custom resolutions that compensate for the space between physical monitors caused by the monitor bezels. Starting with DisplayFusion 7.0, you can configure monitor splits to also compensate for the monitor bezels.
The monitor splits allow you to have separate taskbars, wallpaper, and screen savers on each physical monitor, while still leaving Surround/Eyefinity enabled.
This guide assumes you've already enabled bezel compensation in the AMD/NVIDIA Control Panel.
The following steps are for the fairly standard setup of splitting a 3 monitor NVIDIA Surround/AMD Eyefinity group, aligned horizontally. If you've got a different Surround/Eyefinity setup, the same general steps apply, but you'll need to modify steps 4, 7, and 8 accordingly.
  1. Right-click on the DisplayFusion icon and select "Monitor Configuration" (also accessible via the "Options" tab in "Settings").
  2. Click the "Splits and Padding" button.
  3. Disable the "Auto-Fill Splits" checkbox.
  4. Use the "Preset Splits" button to select the 3x1 option.
  5. Select each split, and set the "Width" values to the actual resolution of your physical monitor (not the bezel corrected resolution).
  6. Click the "Show Preview" button.
  7. Select the middle split, and using the "Left" box in the Location group, increase the value until you see the white line on the left side of the middle monitor.
  8. Select the right split, and using the "Left" box in the Location group, increase the value until you see the white line on the left side of the right monitor.
  9. Verify that all three monitors have a white line on all four sides, then click OK, and OK again.
The video below demonstrates these steps on a Surround group that consists of 3 monitors at 1280x1024, with a bezel compensation of 50px between each monitor. The video was captured on a very wide resolution, so it's best viewed full screen with the quality set to 1080p or higher.

Holiday Sale, DisplayFusion 7.0, CheckCentral, and More!

December 16, 2014

Update: The sale is now over, thanks everyone!

We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 7.0 is now available for download! This release contains a huge number of new wallpaper providers, asymmetrical monitor splitting, monitor splitting support for Surround/Eyefinity setups with bezel compensation, Scripted Functions, and much more!

Holiday Sale!

All of our desktop products are on sale at up to 40% off until January 2nd!
Check out the holiday savings on DisplayFusion, ClipboardFusion, FileSeek, iTunesFusion and LogFusion!

DisplayFusion 7.0 Highlights

  • Tons of new online wallpaper sources: Current Weather, Current Time of Day, Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD), Google+ (formerly Picasa Web Albums), Facebook, Imgur, Instagram, Pixabay, Smugmug
  • Monitor splitting support for Surround/Eyefinity setups with bezel corrected resolutions
  • Monitor splitting support for asymmetrical split layouts
  • New Remote Control feature allows you to run DisplayFusion Functions from your phone or tablet
  • New Scripted Functions allow you to create any Function you can imagine
  • The WallpaperFusion online wallpaper source now allows you to login and filter by your favourites and ratings
  • You can now rate and comment on WallpaperFusion images from the desktop right-click menu
  • New Functions for rolling up windows to the titlebar or icon
  • You can now choose a screen saver to use for the logon screen when no users are logged in
  • Support for Windows 10 Technical Preview
  • 39 languages bundled (if you'd like to help translate DisplayFusion into your language, please contact us)
  • Many other performance, stability and bug fixes

Updating DisplayFusion

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion Change Log. We'd like to send out a big thanks to the dozens of people who helped with the DisplayFusion translations, and the thousands of people that helped test the Beta versions. Thanks everyone!

Introducing CheckCentral

We're very excited to introduce CheckCentral, an incredible new way to manage all of your email alerts & notifications! As system administrators, we know the pain of having to wade through a pile of notification emails every day. Trying to set up some sort of system to deal with them within your inbox is a time-consuming and frustrating experience. Worst of all, there's no good way to deal with notification emails that, for whatever reason, never arrive at all. Perhaps a scheduled task on a server doesn't fire properly, and your backup application never starts to backup. That's certainly something you'd like to be made aware of! To handle that sort of scenario, CheckCentral brings intelligence to email notification management. CheckCentral will know what notifications to expect & when to expect them based on rules you set up. For more information, please see our introduction to CheckCentral!

CheckCentral Dashboard
CheckCentral Dashboard

DisplayFusion 7.0 Screenshots

Monitor Splits and Padding
Monitor Splits and Padding
Scripted Function Editor
Scripted Function Editor
DisplayFusion Remote on Android
DisplayFusion Remote on Android
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